This report is the third deliverable of WP4 “Technology Support” of the CLARITY project, funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreement number 730355. WP4 provides the technological backbone of the CLARITY climate service Information System (CSIS) by tailoring the technological background to project needs. For this, WP4 will integrate and adapt existing (background) tools and services that are necessary for realisation of the CLARITY reference scenarios (demonstration cases) and the implementation of the EU-GL [1] into the CLARITY climate services.
It is an accompanying report to the technologies and software components that are adapted, extended, customised and deployed by WP4 and configured, assembled and integrated by WP1 to implement the CLARITY CSIS. It reports on the work performed in WP4 since the project start, provides links to access the software, tools and documentation resulting from this work and summaries the continuously updated work plan that takes emerging requirements from the agile co-creation process and feedback from the end users of the CSIS and the demonstration cases into account.

WP4. Technology Support
Technology support report v1