PLINIVS Study Centre (Study Centre for Hydrogeological, Volcanic and Seismic Engineering) is a structure of LUPT Research Interdepartmental Centre, University of Naples Federico II. Since 2006, PLINIVS is a National Competence Centre on Volcanic Risk for the Italian Civil Protection.
PLINIVS activity in the last 30 years included the development several probabilistic simulation models to assess the impacts of natural hazards, taking into account the impact distribution in time and space and the cumulative effects given by possible cascading events, as well as a continuous data collection activity on built environment and population, at national and regional scale, that allowed building up a comprehensive GIS database, that includes population data, classification of different building typologies (detailed at the level of technical elements: structure, wall, roof, opening, etc.), features of transport networks. The database includes vulnerability classes of each element at risk (population, building components, transport network nodes) with respect to seismic, volcanic and hydrogeological risk.
The database is integrated into hazard/impact models, allowing to derive the expected impact of a given seismic, volcanic and flood/landslide event on the territory with a detail of a 500x500m mesh at national level and 250x250m at regional level (including the CLARITY demonstration case area).
In the context of CLARITY, the methodology applied within PLINIVS models (Probabilistic dynamics modelling, Bayesian networks, Event tree analysis, Monte Carlo Method, fuzzy logics and error propagation calculation for uncertainties treatment) to derive realistic impacts on the built environment from hazard modelling (single or multi-risk approach), will be transferred in the context of climate change induced hazards, with a specific focus on extreme heat and precipitation events.
The consolidated approach for the integration of adaptation and mitigation actions within the hazard/impact modelling, their performance and cost-benefit assessment, will constitute an important reference for the implementation of tools able to evaluate the effectiveness of adaptation strategies in the context of CLARITY platform.
The specific topics of local stakeholders’ engagement, urban resilience assessment, analysis and evaluation of climate change adaptation measures will be addressed through the involvement of the Department of Architecture (DiARC) of University of Napoli Federico II.
DiARC research activity is primarily aimed at decision support and technical assistance to local government and stakeholders in urban and regional sustainable regeneration processes, environmental assessment of planning and design strategies, as well as in the implementation of technical policies for the building and urban retrofitting, preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage and climate change adaptation. Together with PLINIVS, DiARC has recently developed (METROPOLIS project) a vulnerability model for heat waves population, buildings and open spaces.
Key personnel
Giulio ZUCCARO (male)
Giulio ZUCCARO is associated professor of 'Building Science' and 'Theory of structures' at the University of Naples Federico II. He is scientific director of PLINIVS Study Centre. He is member of Great Risks Committee of Italian Civil Protection. For 30 years, he is engaged in national and international researches in the context of risk assessment under effect of natural hazards.
Antonio SANTO (male)
Antonio SANTO is Associate Professor of Engineering Geology since 2006. He was Researcher of Engineering Geology at Napoli University from 1991 till 2005. He had a teaching activity at Molise (1996-1998), Salerno (1999-2000) and SUN Universities (2004-2005). Actually, he is Scientific Coordinator of the preparatory course “Hydrogeological Territorial Defenses in Campania Region” for the National Civil Protection. He is Member of Campania Region Competence Centre on “Analysis and Monitoring of the Environmental Risk” since 2002. He has been consultant of many national research agencies and authorities: CNR - GNDCI (1998-1999); C.U.G.R.I. (1999-2000); Regione Campania (2001-2008); AMRA - (2006 – 2008). He has nearly 25 years of research experience on engineering geology and hydrogeological risk assessment.
Mattia LEONE (male)
Mattia LEONE is architect and PhD in Architectural Technology. He is currently contract professor in “Multi-Scale Building Technology” at Politecnico di Milano and Research Fellow at the University of Naples Federico II at PLINIVS-LUPT Study Centre. Since 2013 he is member of the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) and since 2015 he is associate at the Center for Urban Disaster Risk and Resilience (CUDRR+R, New York). His main research activities concern sustainable design, energy and technological retrofitting of buildings and public spaces, building technologies for the mitigation of natural hazards and climate change adaptation.
Daniela DE GREGORIO (female)
Daniela DE GREGORIO is structural engineer and PhD in Engineering of Constructions. She is currently a Research fellow at the University of Naples Federico II PLINIVS-LUPT Study Centre on the topic of risk assessment and cascading effects scenarios evaluation. Her main research activities concern the analysis of vulnerability of buildings under effect of natural events.