The County Administrative Board of Jönköping (CABJON) is a Governmental Agency that link People and Communities with the Government, Parliament and Central Government. The main responsibility is to coordinate the development of the county in line with goals set in National Politics, including different issues - from rural development to biodiversity. Sweden consists of 21 counties.
CABJON is a rigid organization with the expertise needed for EU-projects (ca 250 employees including experts in e.g. ecology, GIS, law, economic, and communication) and has previously been involved in several EU (-LIFE) projects, presently participating in relevant climate change/adaptation projects e.g. SWICCA as well as e.g. Life to Ad(d)Mire (LIFE08NAT/S/000268) and UC4LIFE (LIFE10 NAT/SE/000046). CABJON is not coordinating any project at the moment. The County Board has experience and was responsible for EU-projects starting almost two decades ago (e.g. Structural Funds 1999-2002). For information, visit: www.lansstyrelsen.se/jonkoping.
Within CABJON, the results of projects adding knowledge to future climate impact is fundamental in planning of infrastructure, permissions for industries and environmental hazardous activities, environmental monitoring and biological diversity. CABJON has also experiences of working with real flooding, draughts and other CC relevant issues the last decade. The organisation has since 2011 been coordinating the regional work with CC and Climate Adaptation on mission by National Government.
Key personnel
Karin Stridh (female)
Karin Stridh is the Head of the Administrative and Economic Department at CABJON. She holds authorisation of signing contracts etc in the name of the organisation since 2008. As Controller of economics she has experience of working with administrative/economic issues within EU-projects and programmes since almost a decade.
Måns Lindell (male)
Måns Lindell is an expert of Limnology within CABJON. He has a Doctoral Degree in Limnology from the Lund University, Sweden. He is specialised in environmental monitoring of one of the largest lakes within Europe: Lake Vättern, Sweden, where he plans and evaluates the environmental state of the lake. He has continuously worked with CC-relevant aquatic research projects, followed in-situ measurements with long time series, remote sensing techniques, models of climate change in aquatic ecosystems. The research has especially been carried out in the proposed CC-sensitive cold water Lake Vättern. Måns is following (representing end-user) in the SWICCA –project.
Per Hallerstig (male)
Per Hallerstig is Head of Nature Department within CABJON. He is responsible for the organisations internal work with climate change (shared by several groups). As Head of the Department, he is also in charge for other EU-projects in which CABJON is participating in, mostly within the LIFE-program, e.g. LIFE to Ad(d)Mire (LIFE08NAT/S/000268), LIFE TAIGA (LIFE13 NAT/SE/000065) and UC4LIFE (LIFE10 NAT/SE/000046).
Frida Moberg
Frida Moberg (female) works with coordinating the regional alignment of CC and Climate Change Adaptation Programme, a mission initiated by the Swedish Government, implemented at CABJON in 2011. She thus coordinates the internal work within the organisation as well as externally, e. g CABJON is coordinating a regional network (Regional Climate Council) consisting of >50 participating organisations, industries and/or authorities. CABJON is responsible for developing regional action programs, regional climate status reports, risk assessments analysis and knowledge based reports. The work also involves contacts with the local scale e.g. industries, municipalities etc.
Anne-Catrin Almér (female)
Anne-Catrin Almér coordinates the regional environmental monitoring program related to CC indicators at CABJON. She is also evaluating the regional environmental objectives where several indicators are related to CC. The regional outcome contributes to the 16 National environmental objectives coordinated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA). Furthermore, she is coordinating the regional network of urban air pollution. The Urban air pollution network consists of 13 municipalities and several industries. She is also following the SWICCA-project.