Atos SE (Societas Europaea) is a leader in digital services with pro forma annual revenue of circa € 12 billion and circa 100,000 employees in 72 countries. Serving a global client base, the Group provides Consulting & Systems Integration services, Managed Services & BPO, Cloud operations, Big Data & Cyber-security solutions, as well as transactional services through Worldline, the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry. With its deep technology expertise and industry knowledge, the Group works with clients across different business sectors: Defence, Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing, Media, Utilities, Public sector, Retail, Telecommunications, and Transportation.
Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. The Group is the Worldwide Information Technology Partner for the Olympic & Paralympic Games and is listed on the Euronext Paris market. Atos operates under the brands Atos, Atos Consulting, Atos Worldgrid, Bull, Canopy, Unify and Worldline. For more information, visit: atos.net.
Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) is the R&D hub for emerging technologies and a key reference for the whole Atos group. With more than 28 years of experience in running Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) projects, we have become a well-known player in the EU context. Our multidisciplinary and multicultural team has the skills to cover all the activities needed to run projects successfully, from scientific leadership to partnership coordination, from development of emerging technologies to the exploitation of project outcomes, with a strong focus on dissemination, innovation adoption and commercialization.
Atos is a founding member of the European Technology Platform NESSI (Networked European Software and Services Initiative). Our company is a major partner in Future Internet-related initiatives being member of the FI PPP Steering Board and Industrial Advisory Board. Since 2014, Atos is a founding member of the Big Data Value Association (BDVA), assuming the roles of Vice-presidency and Deputy Secretary-general. We are also member of the 5G PPP Steering Board. Additionally, Atos is a member of NetWorld2020, NEM, Nanomedicine, ERTICO, ARTEMIS, CELTIC, NIS, EOS, PESI, LSEC, ETSI, OW2, OASIS, Cloud Security Alliance, Eurocities, etc. Finally, Atos is a core member of the KIC for EIT Health Innolife and an official member of the KIC EIT ICT Labs associated node Madrid. At national level, Atos is currently holding the Presidency and Secretary of PLANETIC for ICT, as well as the Vice-presidency of es.Internet for Future Internet technologies, and is member of several others, such as Logistop for Integral Logistics or the Spanish Railways Technology Platform.
Within ARI, the Environment sector covers research and innovation for environment, and focuses its activity on the design and implementation of information architectures, oriented towards the seamless geospatial data distribution and execution of distributed geospatial processes to improve the Natural Risk Management.
The team has developed (since 1999) large number of consultancy and research projects dealing with the use of the current geographical information standards and linked in many cases with the European Policy Initiatives in this field (e.g. INSPIRE). ATOS also provides technical and thematic knowledge in the Environmental domain:
- Integration of in-situ & EO observations from environmental sensors.
- SOA for accessing and processing geospatial information.
- Expertise on OGC standards (WMS, WFS, WPS, WCS, SWE…).
- Implementation of geographical independent decision support and alerting systems for the prevention of disasters.
Key personnel
Miguel Ángel Esbrí
is the Research Line Expert for geospatial technologies within Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) department. He holds a Master Degree in Computer Sciences Engineering from the Jaume I University in Castellón, Spain since 2002. He is specialised in Geo-Spatial technology and more particularly in interoperable systems based on Open Geospatial Service standards. He joined the Atos Spain, in September 2006 as a Consultant. Since then, he has been involved in the technical development, management and coordination of EU funded projects (mainly focused on environmental issues and natural and man-made hazards), like ORCHESTRA, DEWS, EO2HEAVEN, ENVIROFI, ICARUS and DRIVER. He is currently the Project Coordinator of the FOODIE Project (Farm-Oriented Open Data in Europe, http://www.foodie-project.eu).
José Lorenzo
is the Head of the Manufacturing, Retail and Environment Market in Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) and former E&U Market Manager also in ARI. He has a Telecommunication Engineer Degree (Master of Science) and specialty of TELEMATICA (Data Transmission) by the Faculty of Technology in the University of Vigo (Spain). He joined the ATOS former, Sema Group sae, in April 2001 as a Consultant. Since then, he has been involved in the technical development, management and coordination of EU funded projects, like ORCHESTRA or DEWS. Latest projects being coordinated by him are EO2HEAVEN (as Research Coordinator) (http://eo2heaven.org), OpenNode or ENVIROFI (phase 1 project of the FI-PPP) (http://envirofi.eu), and currently EO4wildlife (http://eo4wildlife.eu).
Mario Núñez Jiménez
has a Degree in Computer Sciences Engineering from the Polytechnic University in Madrid, Spain. He is specialised in J2EE server side developments, databases, XML technology and Web Services. He is working at ARI in projects for the European Commission. Two of his latest relevant involvements have been the ORCHESTRA project (developing Web Services and dealing with XML from server side and also doing integration with Web GIS Client) and DEWS (developing plugins for a standalone application based on Udig and Eclipse RCP dealing with Geographical information and Postgre database).
Jorge López
got his degree in Economic sciences at the University of the Basque Country and holds a Master Degree in Information Technologies (Basque Country Technology Centre, 2000) and a Master Degree in GIS management (Unigis Girona, 2012). He joined ATOS in 2000 as a product engineer. During the last 9 years he has been working in EU R&D projects, assisting in administrative and management tasks, being responsible for exploitation research in projects such as PENG, ALIS, DEWS, EO2HEAVEN, ENVIROFI and providing consultancy in the field of environmental applications.
Juan Alonso
Degree in Science. He joined ATOS in 2006 firstly working in logistic and transport areas, and then applying CMMi and ITIL methodologies in Quality Management Projects. Since 2010 he is working in Atos Research & Innovation (ARI) where he has been involved in dissemination and management of EU funded projects.