SMHI is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Environment offering products to support decision-making in the environmental sector. SMHI is responsible for national meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic forecasting and the production of climate change projections. The main fields of research include weather and climate modelling, data assimilation, hydrology, oceanography and air quality. Climate research is a cross departmental activity, with all six research sections contributing to the development of climate projections, impact assessments and communication with stakeholders, regional authorities and major utilities.
SMHI is the Swedish focal point for IPCC and has been commissioned by the government to lead the national knowledge centre for adaptation to climate change, which also operates the Swedish Portal for Climate Change Adaptation.
Key personnel
Lars Gidhagen (male)
Lars Gidhagen is head of the air quality research unit. He has a PhD in atmospheric chemistry and his research is focusing on the urban environment and the health impact of air pollution. Lars Gidhagen is the coordinator of Copernicus C3S project Urban SIS and is part of the steering committee for the Swedish Clean Air and Climate research programme. He was the coordinator of SUDPLAN FP7 project.
Magnuz Engardt (male)
Magnuz Engardt is Associate Professor and specialist in regional air quality modelling. Magnuz Engardt has over 20 years of research experience and 50 peer-reviewed papers. He participated in SUDPLAN, IMPACT2C and ECLAIRE FP7 projects.
Jonas Olsson (male)
Jonas Olsson is Associate Professor and his main fields of research are climate change impacts on hydrology and rainfall disaggregation and downscaling. Jonas Olsson has over 50 peer-reviewed papers and was co-editor to the book “Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage Systems (IWA Publishing, 2012). He was WP leader in the SUDPLAN F7 project.
Lena Strömbäck (female)
Lena Strömbäck is Associate Professor and expert in databases and information management. She has over 20 years of experience of research on information management. She has had a large range of scientific commitments including EU-project partner leadership, committee member and key note speeches. She has published some 35 peer reviewed international papers. Lena Strömbäck directed the hydrological part of the SUDPLAN FP7 project and is WP leader in the Copernicus C3S project Urban SIS, responsible for the public data portal.
Jorge H. Amorim (male)
Jorge H. Amorim is a researcher at SMHI. He has focused his career on the development and evaluation of urban/local scale numerical models capable of describing urban flows and dispersion phenomena, aiming to improve the understanding of air pollution and microclimate patterns and trends in cities under climate change, and related impacts on human health and urban sustainability. He has 27 papers indexed to the Web of Science. He is the WP leader for urban downscalling in Copernicus C3S project Urban SIS.
Yeshewatesfa Hundecha Ph. D.
Hydrological modeling; analysis of hydrological impacts of climate change; hydrological extremes; statistical analysis and stochastic modeling; scientific programming Hydrological regionalization and parameter estimation; stochastic modeling of hydrometeorological variables; modeling and analysis of hydrological/hydrometeorological extremes; analysis of impacts of climate and land use changes on hydrological extremes