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Clarity was presented at EGU with a poster and an oral presentation by ZAMG researcher Claudia Hahn, this talk was focused on new methods of how to help cities adapt to climate change. The oral presentation was scheduled in the “Climate Services – Underpinning Science” Session on Friday afternoon, together with the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), the INDECIS project, a Climate-Based Dengue Early Warning System in Jakarta and two studies evaluating the status of climate services in Africa. The Copernicus Climate Change Service provides a lot of information with which they intend to stimulate the market for Climate Services in Europe. It was highlighted in the session that input from users is critical in order to develop services that will be used. The presentation about the “Development of a Climate-Based Dengue Early Warning System in Jakarta, Indonesia” clearly showed how useful Climate Services can be. The presentations provided visibility for the CLARITY project. In addition, up-to-date information was gathered regarding the availability of newly developed data in the climate data store (e.g. coastal flood risk maps), EURO-CORDEX data as well as about research results concerning urban areas and flood models