webinar clarity

Que el CO2 acumulado en la atmósfera ha aumentado y que la principal causa de dicho aumento es antropogénica, es una afirmación ampliamente conocida y demostrada por la comunidad científica. El efecto previsible de este aumento de CO2 y otros gases de efecto invernadero también generados por la actividad humana  provoca cambios en el clima que ya comenzamos a experimentar. En España, se prevé un aumento de las temperaturas medias y extremas, más  un incremento de la intensidad de precipitación en periodos de tiempo más cortos, entre otros aspectos.


METEOGRID explains the Spanish Pilot
We share a video to explain me main objectives of the Spanish Pilot, the benefits for SMEs and the impact for our environment.

Enjoy it!

Below, you can find a couple of videos which pretend to summarize the main target of the project and its website, used such a powerful channel to go to the market.

The European Comission has created this Science Hub to publish every information in regards with research topics.

Brussels (Belgium)

Check all the details that Clarity has to share about this Big event!

Vienna (Austria)

Clarity was presented at EGU with a poster and an oral presentation by ZAMG researcher Claudia Hahn, this talk was focused on new methods of how to help cities adapt to climate change.

Lisbon (Portugal)

The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference "ECCA" was convened by EU-funded projects on behalf of the European Commission.

Katowice (Poland)

COP24 is the informal name for the 24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The COP takes decisions which are necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the Convention and regularly reviews the implementation of these provisions. Poland was selected to host this event within the framework of the Eastern European Group (EEG).

Madrid, Spain

From 26th to 29th of November will take place the 14th edition of CONAMA (National Congress of Environment in Spain), the event will take place in Madrid Municipal Conference Center

More information of the event is available here: http://www.conama2018.org
