CLARA (Climate forecast enabled knowledge services) is a Horizon 2020 funded innovation action set to develop a number of advanced climate services building upon the newly developed Copernicus Climate Change Services – seasonal forecasts and sectoral information systems. A portfolio of user co-designed and co-developed climate services will help to improve policy and decision makings in five priority sectors: disaster risk reduction, water resource management, agriculture and food (security), renewable energy sources, and public health.

The conference was a meeting place for more than 400 participants working on climate change adaptation, within the fields of science, in local communities, governments and municipal administration, in ministries and national authorities, politics, businesses, industry and NGOs. The aim of the conference was to: exchange ideas of adaptation methods and opportunities across many sectors; increase our knowledge of the latest climate science; and discuss how to integrate solutions for adaptation and mitigation.

Climateurope Festivals support Climate Services at the European and national levels.

SNF 2018 will take place in Madrid
CLARITY project will be presented during the work sesions, more information about the event and agenda are availble here:

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance.

The Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) hosted a two-day workshop in Vienna to discuss and assess the usability of the Risk Data Hub.

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is a platform providing different kinds of datasets relevant to climate change, as well as software to analyse these data. C3S is still in development, and at the second General Assembly of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) the latest developments to the service were presented.

The C40 City Solutions Platform supports early engagement between cities, the private sector, academic institutions, and other solution providers to accelerate the deployment of climate solutions. By providing cities and solution providers a program for working together on specific climate challenges at an earlier stage than usual, the City Solutions Platform (CSP) ensures that the actors reach a common understanding of the challenges in order to co-create solutions.

The Climate Week is infused av crossing borders, easy available and motivated activities that gives knowledge, inspiration and increased awareness of the benefits of an active prevented climate work. Even though it is the County that is the target, the actions done is part of the greater perspective