Citizens, decision-makers, indeed all of society require information on the consequences of our changing climate, and especially on weather and climate hazards that seem to occur more frequently and to have a significant impact on humans, nature, and infrastructure. There is a need to innovate tools which facilitate and enable a better service to all sectors of society, from the global through to the national, regional, and local scales.

The International Conference on Urban Climate, which takes place every three years and was organized for the 10th time, provides a focused platform for scientists from around the globe. This year ‘s conference theme was Sustainable and Resilient Urban Environments.

The first CLARITY Newsletter has just been published. In this issue is included a short presentation of which was launched recently. The newsletter also includes relevant information of events where CLARITY has been promoted.

Climate Change & Transport Infrastructure: Impact and Adaption Measures. The first CLARITY Spanish workshop took place in Madrid on the 8th of March 2018.

ACCIONA and CEDEX participate in the CLARITY Project related to infrastructures and Climate Change.
The press release has been published in the Spanish PTEC website

Before close 2017, the CLARITY team met in Naples in order to plan the next steps in the project. This time the meeting took place at the PLINIVS Study Centre premises.

Before close 2017, the CLARITY team met in Naples in order to plan the next steps in the project. This time the meeting took place at the PLINIVS Study Centre premises.

The CLARITY project was presented in the 4th RESCCUE project committee meeting that took place in Madrid (20th and 21st of November).

In September took place the second consortium meeting, this time the CLARITY team met in ATOS headquarters, in Madrid