The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria's largest non-university research institute, employing a staff of about 1260 persons, takes a leading position in the Austrian innovation system in the areas of Energy, Mobility, Health & Environment, Safety & Security as well as Innovation Systems and has a key role in Europe as the RTO focusing on the key infrastructure topics of the future. AIT is heavily engaged in contract research for government and industry. In this project the departments Safety & Security (DSS) and Energy (Business Unit Sustainable Buildings and Cities) will be engaged. International co-operations and the participation in a large number of research projects of the European Union maintain our international standard and give our customers the advantage of participating in latest research results of the international scientific community. In the recent years, the AIT DSS- moved to cross-domain applications using environmental observations and predictions as a mean to improve the management of the overall systems, and contribute to public safety and security, e.g. by integration of the environmental information in the traffic control, city planning, or e-health applications. The aim of DSS is to reach top leading positions in special segments such as highly flexible, scalable, secure, and robust environmental monitoring systems and to enhance these systems with value adding tools to open a broader market and new business opportunities to our customers.
The Energy Department favours a holistic approach dealing with energy and urban development addressing buildings and cities of tomorrow considering the challenges of the future including climate change, mitigation and adaptation. Using innovative simulation and decision support tools, enables stakeholders and experts to improve smart Cities.
Key personnel
Dr. Wolfgang Loibl, MSc (male)
Dr. Wolfgang Loibl, MSc holds a PhD in Geography and Regional Science and a MSc in Organization Development. He is Senior Scientist and Thematic Coordinator for the “Smart Cities ” research field of AIT’s Energy Department, working with AIT >35 years as spatial analyst, modeler and regional planner, being engaged in numerous national and international projects dealing with spatial analysis, urban and regional development, impact assessment and urban dynamics simulation model development. He is also representative of AIT in the CCCA (Climate Change Center Austria) and Coordinating Lead Author of the Socioeconomic Impact Chapter of the Austrian Assessment Report 2014 on Climate Change. He was and is project and WP coordinator for various national and EU projects listed above.
Dr. Mag. Denis Havlik (male)
Dr. Mag. Denis Havlik holds a PhD in natural sciences from University of Vienna, Austria. He joined the AIT Safety and Security department in 2005, and successfully led (as a coordinator and as a technical manager) several FP6 and FP7 IPs related to environmental informatics and crisis management, including the ENVIROFI and CRISMA projects that EU-CRISP builds upon. Thanks to his background in natural sciences and subsequent working in ICT (2000-2003 Mandrakesoft), and telecommunication (2004-2005 T-mobile Austria), he is capable of bridging the gaps between experts of various provenances in large multi-disciplinary projects.
Dr. Tanja Tötzer (female)
Dr. Tanja Tötzer, holds DI and PhD in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning. She is scientist at AIT since 1998. She has broad experience in GIS analysis and in exploring spatial patterns and processes. Her main research projects include landscape dynamics in urban regions as well as urban heat island and microclimate effects including microclimate modelling.
Mag. Jan Peters Anders (male)
Mag. Jan Peters Anders , holds Msc in Geography, is working as Scientist with AIT since 2004. He is concentrating on GIS-application development, on Web based GEO-applications, on GUI design and remote access data retrieval systems, working on agent based modelling and applying 3D environments. Jan Peters Anders is the driving force behind the Climate Twins tool that will be adapted for use in CLARITY in T4.4.
Doris Leopold (female)
Doris Leopold graduated at a school for tourism and management in 1984. Since 2002 she has been employed at the Austrian Institute of Technology as computer scientist. Mrs. Leopold is a main developer of the AIT EMIKAT tool, that will be adopted as a “catalogue of elements at risk and adaptation options” in T4.2.
DI Peter Kutschera (male)
DI Peter Kutschera (male) holds a degree in Informatics of Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien). He has expert knowledge in distributed systems architecture and services for environmental monitoring and risk management applications, as well as in visualisation and user interfaces design.
Dipl.‐Ing. Gerald Schimak (male)
Dipl.‐Ing. Gerald Schimak (male) holds a degree in Informatics from University of Linz, Austria. He is engaged in computer science for environmental protection since 1990, especially in the field of visualisation, integration and data management of environmental data. More than 20 years of experience in environmental informatics including all aspects of computer based environmental monitoring, environmental database as well as in integration tasks of heterogeneous Environmental Information Systems on international scale. He participated in several FP7 projects as partner but also as a project coordinator.